Presidents sign Memorandum of Understanding


On February 7, 2012, at the residence of France in Japan, Alain Fuchs, President of CNRS and Yoshiaki Nakano, Director of RCAST signed a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance cooperation between CNRS and The University of Tokyo, in the field of photovoltaic cells. It was the first official step towards the creation of NextPV.

Standing, from left to right: Minh-Hà Pham-Delègue, head of the CNRS-DERCI (European Research and International Cooperation Office); Pierre Destruel, Scientific Attaché at the Embassy of France in Japan; Hiroshi Segawa, Professor at The University of Tokyo; Florence Rivière-Bourhis, Scientific Counsellor at the Embassy of France in Japan; Christian Masset, Ambassador of France in Japan; Guy Faure, Director of the CNRS North Asia Regional Office.

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